I fear that these Muslim Radicalization Hearings smack of Xenophobia, racism,pandering, political grandstanding, hate and an absence of fact. There are more than a few parents who kids they believe have been radicalized, but none of parents who's kids have been successful in school, career, and life. I am more than a little certain that you could have found parents from across the broad societal spectrum here in the U.S., who have thought their fucked up, selfish, spoiled, little bastards have been radicalized by drugs, punkrock, hip-hop, scientology, John Birch Society, evangelicalism, homosexuality, video games, violent movies, cutting, their "weird" friends, Raves, hippydom, Emo, NASCAR, circle jerking, and just general assholiness. I find it interesting that those in full support of this public charade are all members of the same party. I also find it interesting that there is no such effort going on about job recovery, or re-establishing America as an industrial power.