I have a friend that I knew several years ago from the conservitory. He was from an upper middle class family and was fortunate enought to never have had to suffer or experience any hardship apart from possibly the loss of a pet. At the time I thought he was kind of a pampered "Bob and Judy" knob and a hippy, he used to say things like he would never cut his hair or work for a defense contractor. I thought he was idealistic and fortunate bcause Mummy and Daddy was there as a safetynet.
I was on my facebook account today and noticed that he had made some sort of comment about how he made pancakes (not the type I write about) for Babbary Coast Wars and the War of 1812, and then he continued to go and on about the various wars of the 19th Century and make light of this holiday. As some of you know, I'm a 12 year vet, and while I don't look like what one would typically imagine a vet to look like or think like, I am one none the less. Nonetheless, I got a bit perturbed at his comment anyway. I find it ironic how anyone who has never done anything to help anyone (that I can see - or wasn't told by Bono to do so), has the gall to sit back and make light of those who have volunteered for whatever reason to put on a uniform and defend our nation. I think how I've been trying to get in touch with this person to assist me on a project but instead I was constantly treated as though I was a child, while at the same time I see him nicking some of my material. Your arrogance is no doubt an asset to you SR, as it enables you to feel as though you have an elevated sense of entitlement to lambast that which you can't understand while you freely steal from others gift's and claim it as your own. By the way, Exsquiste Corpse nice title, Kaufman would have loved it. Not pretensious art cow shite at all.
Those of who have served didn't do so for your punchline, but I don't expect you to realize that.
HOOLIGAN MF, Sailor, Scholar, Actor, Comic, Biker, Outlaw, Sailor,Writer, Producer, Cowboy, Vet, Bluenose, Shellback, Lover, Two-fisted, Handsome Devil, Unionist, Internationalist, Scottish American, Dashing Rogue, Rebel, Smartass

Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Memorial Day

So intially I posted this on my Facebook page: "Tomorrow we celebrate those who have paid the ultimate price for all of us and for those who are still doing so. I wish the best for my friend Zack, and this one goes out to my shipmtes ET2 Glenn Poston, and SM3 Max DeJesus, sleep with angeles my brothers. Trumpets, violins, I hear them in the distanceAnd my skin emits a ray, but I think it's sad, it's much too badThat our friends can't be with us today." I sampled a bit of Patti Smith's Elegy at the end. My wife and buddy The Red Wolf commented that I should have singled these two cats out as they didn't die during wartime or their service. Actually ET2 Glenn "Geebo" Poston did, however he was killed when he was struck and killed by an auto at his duty station in the Central Valley. Max, on the other hand was UA from the Nav and murdered by a Coloumbian gangster. That's Max in the top pic looking all drunk, and throwing his scurvy arm around my neck and Geebo below standing a quarterdeck watch in Mayport, FLA
Friday, May 28, 2010
Kingston, Jamaica
Today Tony Phillips on CNN reported that over 500 have been killed and the capitol is in ruins in Jamaica. Yeah the capitol is in ruins, its called Trenchtown by the natives
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Harry Dean Stanton and I were riding piggyback on lemurs
the lemurs were wearing leather helmets and goggles
A long silk scarf was neatly tied off around their necks
We rode to Machu Pichu Where Harry Dean and I
Ate batteries and radio wires And sang old Celtic songs
While the lemurs argued
over the durability Of Incan vs Spanish architecture
Itook in the sights and felt depressed
That Chris and Ian would never get to experience this
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
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