I want to start off by saying that I have gotten into a lazy habit here of posting nothing but videos and pics here. I feel as though I am wasting both your and my time by doing so, and will try and improve on the orginality of my posts here.
There's not been a lot going on, I have contracted an attorney regarding my injured knee, something that in several ways I feel as though I am being somewhat hypocritical about, as this sort of thing is something I have oppossed in the past. I am very intent on setting a good, honorable example to my sons and I don't want them to see me racing off to sue someone at the slightest hurt. However, I have been working for a year now on my bum knee and am now begining to experience pain in my right knee as well. I have also begun to show extreme signs of cartilledge damage in both knees and an elimination of said cartilledge. My surgeon actually said that I will need a complete knee replacement within the next 10 years. OH JOY!
This situation and the constant pain I have been riding out this year, is the guilty party in my overall health at the moment. I am unable to take my pain meds because 1. The Dr hasn't written me any, and 2. The ibuphroan (sic) I have is tearing up my stomach. OH JOY!
And now......Boobs!
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