These are photos done in Tsarist Russia in 1915. The photographer's name escapes me, for which I apologize. One of the reasons I am publishing this is to point out that our current political divison in the United States really has no effect on the average John or Jane Q Public, just as you see in these pics which were taken in a truly opperssive climate. This situation, however, holds no weight when one considers the fate of the state employees in places such as Wisconsin, where working peoples daily lives are in jeapordy by despots like the current Governor (who is deep into the pockets of special interests and is using his position much the same as powerful families did in the Middle Ages as they shipped their sons off to the church), who it appears is intent on eliminating the livelihood of his citzenry by eliminating the privilidges they have earned over the decades. I find it funny, comically almost, that someone who has never really done anything for the public good is so quick and intent on destroying the livelihood to those who have dedicating their lives to service
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