I have lost my internet for a while, and as you can now guess, I am back. The director I previously mentioned was Quentin Tarantino, and the project was Django Unchained, due to be released on Christmas Day in 2012. I, unfortunately did not make the cut, much to my annoyance as I actually am able to ride horses and have shot replica 19th Century weapons. I showed up to the audition which turned out to be a cattle call filled with people wearing steampunk and costumes. What I found to be oh so typical of Hollywood, the casting staff was also dressed up as well, sometimes this sort of thing annoys the fuck out of me about my industry. Naturally the casting people only showed any interest in those who dressed up as cowboys. Ironic, considering the fact that Django takes place in the 1860's. The timeline is closer to ROOTS or The Outlaw Josie Wales, than Stagecoach. As I looked around I felt as though I were at the Renniasasince (sic) Faire.
Thank Cheebus, I was already in the classroom, I maintained my facial hair for a few weeks and then shaved it off shortly around Christmas. I fiqured that I would tell the production company to "toss off" if I even got a call. It knots my gnad fur that these poseurs get the acclaim while those of us who are actually qualified to do the job are cast aside. Am I going to see the film when it comes out? Hey, its a Tarantino flick