HOOLIGAN MF, Sailor, Scholar, Actor, Comic, Biker, Outlaw, Sailor,Writer, Producer, Cowboy, Vet, Bluenose, Shellback, Lover, Two-fisted, Handsome Devil, Unionist, Internationalist, Scottish American, Dashing Rogue, Rebel, Smartass

Friday, April 20, 2012
I've been on an architecture kick here recently. I'm really digging on the geometric shapes in a residential context. I have also began a fondness for a Southwestern/mission - style of building. My father lives in Tularosa New Mexico and everything there is in a Pubelo style. At first look it is a bit unsettling, but the way the buildings are constructed only adds to their appeal (Well the newer style that is). They are great for energy savings, and quite spacious. As a boy living in New Orleans and Upstate New York, these buildings seemed so exotic. My dream would be to design and build my own house
Day Shoot
I got a call from Central asking if I would be interested in doing a dayshoot on the 20th. The shoot is for a canceled TV show called Breaking In, its on FOX and features Meghan Mullaly (who worked on Last Resort with me many, many moons ago in Catalina), and Christian Slater. This is the last day of filming for the entire show and its going to be interesting how this is going to play out.
I am working at Sony Studios in Culver City, which will be a new one for me, as well as working a pre-exsisting AFTRA contract. I've been out of the loop long enough, that I have no idea what this even means, but I suppose that in about 5 hours I will find out. I will be working in a mock up of the infamous Star Wars cantina scene. I am to dress in dark, menacing clothes (like that's gonna be a problem). Leather jackets, they said, if you have them, "would be good." My call is at 4 so this will be a late night. We'll have to see what we can do, I wish I had a decent camera.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
American society became truly united 65 years ago

Thank you Jackie Robinson for bringing the USA into the modern world. His story and what he suffered for all of his, is part of the reasons why I will alawys be a Dodgers fan (although Red Sox first).
Jackie's contract stated that he had to suffer through all of the abuse that would be thrown his way for three years. He then sat in Branch Rickey's office and was called every name in the book. This segmet of Jackie's contract is what was key to his success. There were other Negro Leaguers who were more talented, but Jackie Robinson, an educated, Black man was better suited, not because of his skills which were vast, but because of his honor. He had to maintain this honor, because he represented not just himself, but an entire race of people. His failure would have been the failure of assimilation. After three years, he began to fight back and was therefore dubbed "An uppity Nigger." Jackie was dynamic in the field because he introduced the Negro League style of play into the bigs. Thank you Jackie
I guess something big happened 100 years ago
Hippy Killer Hoedown IV

Once again I was unable to attend Kutty Notebloom's Hippy Killer event this year. Primarily due to being brooooooke ass. I suppose that this is better than last year in a way. I was working and getting paid weekly, but because the job is typical for what's going on in the workworld these days.
Employers are quick to hire only part time workers because they can only work them 3 hours a week. They can also work them until late and have them return a few hours later. I was working, or grossly under-employed at a company that used this technique on a daily basis. I would get written up for miniscule "infractions" like clocking in too early after lunch, or having Doctor's appointments, I was even written up for missing work after I stood 15 feet away from Allie Kerr after she was hit by a train. This sort of thing is becoming more and more common, at one point we were told that the company didn't give raises, and "What's wrong with that, why do you feel that this is a dead end company?" They said that with a straight look on their face. It truly was a confrontational workplace.
Anyway, this year I am no longer working as I gladly left my previous company while I was in the Masters program and getting my teachering credital. Because I am no longer student teaching, I am unemployed, unable to get unemployment insurance because I complained and told my previous HR person that I couldn't work with the current managemnt aristocrats that I was leaving. Needless to say, I am broke dick. The first year I went to HK I didn't get but 3 hours the following week. It sucked beyond all belief thatwe couldn't go this year, but I am more content with the reason this year. Well, the steering rod in Susie's Malibu also snapped too, but that happened later in the day.
There's still plenty of other events coming up this year: Hell On Wheels, Born Loser, Father's Day at Century Cycles, Hootenanny, Parts 411. I hope to see all you fuckers out there.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
On the threshold of greatness.

So happy regarding the news out of Chavez Ravine! The Dodgers now have the foundation in place for an inpending dynasty. The new ownership of Magic only makes this seem even more optimistic. Having grown up in San Diego, however, I am still a Padres fan, but I have always been a Dodgers fan, the history the tradition, the Blue, Clayton, Kemp, Either, Loney, Carter, Manny, Duke, Tommy, Drysdale, "The Jewish Kid", Pee Wee, Jackie! At one time the Dodgers represented what was best about America, I am confident that they will soon represent what is best about the National League
Women don't care...

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley* (Republican, Tea Party, NOT a Rhodes Scholar) has said, "Women don't care about contraception." Which I think is the utmost in swinging, hairy, concrete balls. To marginalize over half the population, including the half to which you declare yourself is both really childish and well, let's be honest about it, fucking stupid. So what I have done is make an additional list of other things women don't really care about.
Fart jokes
Decaying animals
Adriana Lima's knockers
The Family Guy
Blood Sucking Freaks
Full Frontal Nudity
Lighting Farts - or generally anything farty connected
Telling the truth in regards to last years tax owed by the Gubmint*
Anna Beatrice Barros bellybutton
Fist Fights
Knife collections
Westerns/War movies
Motorcycle helmets
Decaying buildings
Stick Books (books you read that make your stick stand up)
Burping, Spitting and Swearing or Cow Chip throwing contests
Peeing outside
Believing the retarded*, inbred, anti-human, dogmatic political bullshit* that make soundbites on news/bumberstickers and/or tee shirts
New Ink
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