So all of these celebrities are coming out of the woodwork right now talking about being bullied as kids. Yawn. We are about to see a new celebrity cause du jour because of this and the needless death of that Rutgers student. Those assholes should do some HAAAARRRDDD time for this shit and see what its like to get the treatment they were oh so happy to share with the world regarding someone else.
The reason I'm mentioning this is because I was a kid who moved constantly, and not that cross town kinda bullshit either, I'm talking about Roswell, NM to New Orleans, to Rochester NY (actually Sodus Point), to San Diego, Sacramento, to Clovis, NM (great song by Waylon Jennings however). I was always the new kid with the weird accent and unseasonal clothes. So I have to ask, was I bullied? Consider the fact that I also looked 16 until my late 20's and you see what I'm talking about. Yes I was bullied and I solved it two ways, I either made the douchebag laugh, or I slugged the VBF (vaginal blood fart) in the fucking beak. I found both methods were quick to remedy the situation. The key is to maintain your human dignity, and not let some mouth breathing, low watt gurgglier try to steal it because Mommy and Daddy were to busy carrying on with their own shit exsistence to provide these spiritual vampire, dipshits with the same quality they're trying to steal from you.
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