Today, April 15 marks the 64th anniversery of Jackie Robinson's entry into major league baseball. This accomplishment isn't one to be diminished, in 1947, baseball was the primary focus of American society, and it was one aspect of society that up untill this day had been one of exclusitivity. Baseball was doing well and actually florishing in "Black" America. A whole culture and seperate society thrived within that small and just as exclusive world in and of itself. With Jackie Robinson's suiting up and playing on this day the begining of the end had struck one of Black America's most successful industries, as Black players, too had begun to be drafted throughout the major leagues. Jackie Robinson, by his character and fortitude, had finally made baseball America's past time, and made all of us better people at the same time. It is sad to note that African Americans now make up a minority of all players in MLB
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