Hello all, I feel as though we are on the verge of a mean season, or the world is going batshit crazy. I see revolutions occurring in the North Africa/Middle East, in places that I had never expected them; Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunsia, The Ivory Coast and others, respectfully, that escape my rather somewhat frazzled memory. These are nations which are all members of the "Muslim Belt" of Africa, places where such behavior is usually met with harsh consequences.
Baseball season has kicked off about a week ago, and my beloved redsox has fallen to a miserable 0 and 6 for the season, to where I am having a somewhat hard time celebrating today's beating of the Yankees by 9 to 6. Its nice to finally get one under the belt, and especially against the Yankees, but holy shit, the Redsox sure as hell doesn't make it easy on those around them. They are kinda like the relative who seems to have everything going for them and yet habitually sell themself short. Today was a return to Fenway so maybe that was just what the Dr ordered.
The U.S. government is on the verge of shutting down over a major piss fit about the lack of a budget (for 2011?!) and the GOP's insistence of adding riders to the budget that will eliminate such things as NPR, PBS, Headstart, Collective Bargining, Planned Parenthood and other such items. The Speaker of the House, John Boehner, claims that this is not a political move, but one used to jumpstart the unemployment situation in the country. This claim is sheer bullshit, this is a republican ploy to legitimize an extreme social agenda, advocated by a fringe few. If they really gave two fucks about the work situation here they wouldn't be so quick to grab government welfare and tax breaks while moving their business' out of the country, or starting class warfare by attempting to eliminate collective bargining. I hope everyone remembers this shit next year when the election rolls around.
As for me, I am still severally under-employed in a hostile work environment. The way I am treated makes me angry and sullen, I can't ask for days off or fuck off a day of work, because my wages are so fucking pathetic that I am unable to meet my most basic finacial obligations. I am being mired in a constant state of want and need, and yet no one seems to give a damn. I always hear that "I should be lucky" just to be working, but I feel as though that is almost an excuse for what I see as a bigger problem. It is becoming more and more common for employers to hire more workers than necessary. These workers are hired on a part time basis only and therefore unable to legally have health insurance. However, because of their prol-like position and the obscene cost of living, these employees are always desperate for whatever hours they can get. It truly is a case of placing the carrot before the donkey.
The family has suffered a financial blow as Sue's student loan is being garnished from her check. This hasn't helped my situation at all with my shitty job either, I get my email at the end of the week and want to cry. Sometimes its harder to get up and get moving than it is to actually work at my job. I have signed up for school and found out much to my joy that I only have to take two classes, which, thank fuckin' Christ, have lowered their tution!!
I have been auditioning as of late, although none of these roles have come to fruition. I have a writing partner and therefore someone to adapt A Fearing Place into a marketable screenplay. My previous producer, said that it was impossible to market it the way I had written it, as it read like a novel. I now know exactly what she meant, and it is being drafted in a matter benefitting an actual script. Its been two months today that Allie died before me and I have found myself being very short and kurt with strangers, jumpy when the trains pass by unexpectedly, quick to anger and dealing with insomina and anxiety before bed as I have been having some wicked, unspeakable nightmares as of late. I am to speak with a Dr within a week and this, too makes me nervous as hell. I am so behind in my writing that I feel as though I will never catch up, its now spring and that is good.
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