HOOLIGAN MF, Sailor, Scholar, Actor, Comic, Biker, Outlaw, Sailor,Writer, Producer, Cowboy, Vet, Bluenose, Shellback, Lover, Two-fisted, Handsome Devil, Unionist, Internationalist, Scottish American, Dashing Rogue, Rebel, Smartass

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Fuck you Shell Oil!!
The CEO of Shell Oil came out today and said that a gallon of regular gas will approach $5.00 a gallon by 2012. I guess my plan for a 50's era pick 'em up truck will deffinately be hold, however, I also feel as though this could quite likely be a shit talking scare tactic by the oil industry too. Possibly an attempt to encourage the drilling of deep sea oil off of our nearby coasts? All I have to say is that should this come into effect its effects will be widespread; groceries, homes, auto, etc. This increase will be pretty dramatic across our societal spectrum. You guys should all buy motorcycles and...gawd forbid, ride them!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
11 / 10
Today is the last day of November 2010
The only one, ever
It should be precious
as diamonds, platinum
gold, good coffe
As I lounge about
staring at my reflection
the bags beneath my eyes
My silver strands
and the lines across my brow
Christmas is coming
and all I can think about
is the finality of the day
and my own exit

I've beeen slacking like crazy, and am going to try and better my pace of publishing here on this blog. 2010 has been a somewhat difficult year for myself with the condition of my knee, the demise of my MC, lack of film shoots, the hiattus of Mayhem and the problem I've been having at my university. Grrrrrrrr.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The Simpsons

Fox have just ordered another 23rd season of The Simpsons. This means that the show will have produced a 500th episode. I realize that many have grown tired of this show and prefer Family Guy, South Park, and even American Dad but, without The Simpsons none of these shows would have seen the light of day
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Mid term Elections
Well they've come and gone and what can you say? Here in the 44Th District I am pissed off that Ken Calvert won his seat again, Calvert has been rated as one of the top 4 most corrupt politicians in the country. He's the type of reptilian cunt who goes to the press and blathers on and on about Clinton's now rather infamous blow job in the White House and how he is voting for impeachment, then he, himself gets caught with a scurvy, Crowntown street walker in a neighborhood cul-de-sac by the local cops. His excuse was about as feeble as Eddie Murphy's when he was caught with a tranny in Hollywood. Calvert said he was tutoring the woman on the bible, and then forced her to walk home, while the bruise boys let drive away. Ole Kenny was also posturing about the bail out money and how he as a loyal American would refuse any such handouts. Then true to form guess who's hand was the first one sticking out when the funds arrived in O.C? Yep.
The big deal is that the Repubs have taken a slim lead in the House, just what we need bi-partisan bullshit politics when what we truly need is a little unity. I feel that history isn't going to be kind to these GOP members, I feel they will be viewed as both racist and as obstructionist. All the while complaining that Obama refuses to work with them, just like spoiled little children, or the proverbial coaches son who plays despite his overwhelming ineptitude. As far as I can remember, we have just managed to climb our way out of a maelstrom of shit due to Bush's immense universal failures, and yet we have some of these same pricks clamoring for a repeat of the same behavior. This logic is beyond me. This bi-partisan has begun to make American politics resemble professional wrestling with the wild accusations which fly from every corner of the country and "Fair and Balanced " news networks, which came out and stated that Obama was a Hamas puppet and intended to kill White people. You have comical iconography (the pulpit, NRA rallies the wrapping oneself in the flag and kowtowing to vets though you have never done a thing for them) and the institutional symbolism, which to me at least, play as empty or vacant as The Iron Sheik.
I voted for Obama because I want to believe in the promise of hope. I want to live in a country where all the promises we were told as kids about how anyone could be president are true. I want to live in a place where the brightest and most competent are the ones to lead us, where pragmatism and justice are the rule of the land. Where we can speak rationally despite our differences and find some common ground. I hope we are moving in that direction. We aren't in the 44TH
The big deal is that the Repubs have taken a slim lead in the House, just what we need bi-partisan bullshit politics when what we truly need is a little unity. I feel that history isn't going to be kind to these GOP members, I feel they will be viewed as both racist and as obstructionist. All the while complaining that Obama refuses to work with them, just like spoiled little children, or the proverbial coaches son who plays despite his overwhelming ineptitude. As far as I can remember, we have just managed to climb our way out of a maelstrom of shit due to Bush's immense universal failures, and yet we have some of these same pricks clamoring for a repeat of the same behavior. This logic is beyond me. This bi-partisan has begun to make American politics resemble professional wrestling with the wild accusations which fly from every corner of the country and "Fair and Balanced " news networks, which came out and stated that Obama was a Hamas puppet and intended to kill White people. You have comical iconography (the pulpit, NRA rallies the wrapping oneself in the flag and kowtowing to vets though you have never done a thing for them) and the institutional symbolism, which to me at least, play as empty or vacant as The Iron Sheik.
I voted for Obama because I want to believe in the promise of hope. I want to live in a country where all the promises we were told as kids about how anyone could be president are true. I want to live in a place where the brightest and most competent are the ones to lead us, where pragmatism and justice are the rule of the land. Where we can speak rationally despite our differences and find some common ground. I hope we are moving in that direction. We aren't in the 44TH
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tea Bagging

Yesterday a member of Moveon.com had her head, neck and shoulder stepped on by Tim Proffitt, a member of the Tea Party and a supporter of Rand Paul. Naturally none of the leaders of this fucking bullshit organization has the balls to denounce this obvious act of assualt and battery, and the sheep as per usual are quick to place blame on the victim. Fucking idiots. However, this has slowed down the merch/swag bonanza that is the Tea Party with their buttons, tees, flags, keychains, masks and coffee mugs. I think the tea party should expand their mrketing blitz and sell Scarves (like Celtic United) with footprints on them. Hey, its Autumn and I ride a motorcycle (although I am not a hot Asian girl as the photo would have you believe).
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
I am going through a new case of "Not giving a fuck" about next to everything. Pretty much everything I had put faith into this entire year has gone to shit. With the holidays approaching as well as my anniversery, all I am left with is the idea of signing a new agent contract, and the remaining year pent up in bed due to a knee injury that occurred last year. Adjusters, councils and Doctors aren't answering phones and I can't even tell if my messages are even getting through. School is kinda looking like a pipedream and eventually I'm going to be stuck with no prospects and two classes shy of a Masters degree with the bills for it on the way. To quote Black Flag, "I'm About To Have A Nervous Breakdown." I just hope that I'll be able to lose my limp and constant pain by Christmas
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Bullies and Spiritual Vampires

So all of these celebrities are coming out of the woodwork right now talking about being bullied as kids. Yawn. We are about to see a new celebrity cause du jour because of this and the needless death of that Rutgers student. Those assholes should do some HAAAARRRDDD time for this shit and see what its like to get the treatment they were oh so happy to share with the world regarding someone else.
The reason I'm mentioning this is because I was a kid who moved constantly, and not that cross town kinda bullshit either, I'm talking about Roswell, NM to New Orleans, to Rochester NY (actually Sodus Point), to San Diego, Sacramento, to Clovis, NM (great song by Waylon Jennings however). I was always the new kid with the weird accent and unseasonal clothes. So I have to ask, was I bullied? Consider the fact that I also looked 16 until my late 20's and you see what I'm talking about. Yes I was bullied and I solved it two ways, I either made the douchebag laugh, or I slugged the VBF (vaginal blood fart) in the fucking beak. I found both methods were quick to remedy the situation. The key is to maintain your human dignity, and not let some mouth breathing, low watt gurgglier try to steal it because Mommy and Daddy were to busy carrying on with their own shit exsistence to provide these spiritual vampire, dipshits with the same quality they're trying to steal from you.
Monday, October 4, 2010
I really hate Disneyland, and I feel as though I am the only one. First, of all, its in Anaheim, which next to St.Paul or Salt Lake City has got to be the Whitest city in the world. Even the Vatos are White. It represents money and vanilla. While I do support their Gay pride events (I am an American and believe in equal rights for everyone according to that American prose the Constitution), as it shows some progressive attitudes and forward thinking innovation, I am disgusted that at one time, punkrock clothing, haircuts and even buttons could get you hauled off to the Herr Disney's holding cells. I am sickened by their status quo, self celebration, and their yearly price increases just to stand in a line and be force fed some fantastic tale of sanitized corporate bullshit and pimping of the Grimm Bros. It is my opinion that Disney, to quote Steven Colbert, "Is boycotting balls." So with this in mind I have decided to rephrase this park (man their studios are really nice though-even though they have really fucked prices in their commissary-the pricks): Dickland, The Shittiest Place On Earth no kidding Even Counting Somalia, The Fuck You Kingdom, Knobland, The Magical Shithole, The Pedophiles Happy Magic Place, The We Have Been Standing In This Fucking Line For Over An Hour and These Fucking Latvian Tourists Are Bumping Into Me For $75 Kingdom, and my favorite The Happiest Place To Be Getting The Fuck Out Of Place.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Oh Eddie Long, you're such a wacky guy.

Atlanta megachurch pastor Eddie Long apparently condemned homosexuality from his pulpit while engaging in certain "proclivities" at the same time. I have developed a list of other things he has been condemning as well
1. Fanatical, hell and brimstone zealotry
2. Dressing into a pimp style to which he's become accustomed
3. Beatin' the Devil outta bitches with a car attenna
4. Tyler Perry
5. Ways in which to "convert" homosexuality in Justin Beiber (Praise Jeeezzus!!), and that sex...gay boy in Revenge Of The Nerds
Friday, September 24, 2010

I want to start off by saying that I have gotten into a lazy habit here of posting nothing but videos and pics here. I feel as though I am wasting both your and my time by doing so, and will try and improve on the orginality of my posts here.
There's not been a lot going on, I have contracted an attorney regarding my injured knee, something that in several ways I feel as though I am being somewhat hypocritical about, as this sort of thing is something I have oppossed in the past. I am very intent on setting a good, honorable example to my sons and I don't want them to see me racing off to sue someone at the slightest hurt. However, I have been working for a year now on my bum knee and am now begining to experience pain in my right knee as well. I have also begun to show extreme signs of cartilledge damage in both knees and an elimination of said cartilledge. My surgeon actually said that I will need a complete knee replacement within the next 10 years. OH JOY!
This situation and the constant pain I have been riding out this year, is the guilty party in my overall health at the moment. I am unable to take my pain meds because 1. The Dr hasn't written me any, and 2. The ibuphroan (sic) I have is tearing up my stomach. OH JOY!
And now......Boobs!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
What's next for the poster boy of the Neocon, Christian right?

The Rev. Terry Jones
1. Moustache waxing. Does the Rollie Fingers look ever REALLY go out of style? I say no.
2. Sextape with Paris Hilton, Snookie, Lyndsy Lohan or one of countless other attention slags out there.
3. Getting busted with cocaine (the white devil stuffed up his self-righteous asshole) in Vegas
4. A christian rap album
5. A reality show
Well Ma, looks like an abomination
Sighs loudly, calmy
Looks like we might 's well take it out and kill it.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Home for Mayhem Au Go-Go

Met with Tony Martin Blank; Actor, producer, promoter, rock n roll 1% er, Bad Mutha Fucker and friend. He handles the action at the Capri Lounge in Ontario and wants to do something revolutionary at the club. He believes in the concept and theory of D.I.Y and will be assisting me with bookings and scheduling. Stay tuned, "Same bat time, same bat channel!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
My wife was just on Facebook playing Family Feud, and the category was, "Name somewhere romantic for couples." I said vagina,and my score was.........Fuck off, nada, zilch, zero. I'll tell you, Family Feud is some real bullshit!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Have you done an act of kindness?
CNN recently ran a poll asking followers/viewers if they have ever done a complete act of kindness foe a complete stranger, whereas 85% lied and said they had. I think it should have been more like, " Have you ever committed a complete act of 'fuck you' for a complete stranger?" My answer would, of course be a resounding "Hummmm, ahh yes, you know I'm into girls now don'tcha? Well then fuck off."
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