HOOLIGAN MF, Sailor, Scholar, Actor, Comic, Biker, Outlaw, Sailor,Writer, Producer, Cowboy, Vet, Bluenose, Shellback, Lover, Two-fisted, Handsome Devil, Unionist, Internationalist, Scottish American, Dashing Rogue, Rebel, Smartass

Thursday, October 20, 2011
Big one coming up this weekend, a director that I actually dig in a genre I have always loved. My face is itching like a bastard because I have been growing a beard for about a week now. This role is perfectly catered for my skill set and I am looking forward to working on this project (if I can score the job). If not I stay in the classroom, where I am actually happy and finish up my student teaching/MBE
Monday, September 5, 2011
The Next Phase
Tomrrow am once again to start my second student teaching assignment. This one is in Riverside at Gage Middle School, in the RUSD. I found, whom I believe is my my master teacher on Facebook, and he appears to be a straight laced christian type and an Angels fan. Shit, normally these people and I rarely see eye to eye, but who am I to judge, maybe he will be an Ace Bloke, and we will get along fine. I guess I will just have to lay low and see what transpires here. Trying to decide if I am wearing a tie here the first day.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Blog status.
I have temporarily lost my internet, so my posts will be random at best for the next few months. Gawd knows that there are more than a few things worth speaking of on here and it is my hope to be able to do just that here in the near future
Friday, April 15, 2011
Finally, Gawd damn it!!!

Toys r us are now marketing an Iggy Pop action fiqure. They are to retail for $14.99. I find it funny that they are marketing a contemporary Iggy as their fiqure instead of a youger, say Raw Power version. I guess it goes to show that the man has finally after 40 years reached the point of finally being an American icon amongest the mainstream
Sleep with angels
John Kyl

Earlier this week the federal government was nearing a deadline to shut down over budgetary disagreements. Aparentlly the issue was over social programs which the republicans vehmently oppossed; servces such as NPPR, PBS, education, medicare and Planned Parenthood were on their agenda to be either eliminated entirely or defunded to the point of being inept. The good senator from Kentucky, John Kyl actually stated on the floor of the Senate, that Planned Parenthood was solely responsible for over 90% of all abortions performed in this country. Which is an out and out fucking lie, it is ILLEGAL to use federal funds for such purposes. Later when confronted by these facts, Kyl simple respoded with the following statement, that his words were "Not intended to be a factual statement." So with that in mind, I have compiled a list of facts of John Kyl.
1. John Kyl actually insemenated naturally, Lao Jing the panda at the Washington DC National Zoo
2. John Kyl is in league with Osama Bin Ladin, is a Socialist, Nazi who was born in Kenya
3. John Kyl wets the bed
4. John Kyl feltches corpses
5. John Kyl wrote The Aristocrats joke, the original, unfunny version
6. John Kyl took Zsa Zsa Gabor's virginity
7. John Kyl has the largest collection of Asian Ladyboy porn on the planet, and has his weekly "Wendsday Wank" with Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, while they all wear Blackface and sing "Old Man River" to their whimiscal toss sessions
8. John Kyl is parcial to chilled buttermilk
9. John Kyl represnted Miss Virgin Islands in the 1986 Miss Teen USA pagent
10. John Kyl legislates with his pants on fire
Not intended to be a factual statement
Jackie Blue

Today, April 15 marks the 64th anniversery of Jackie Robinson's entry into major league baseball. This accomplishment isn't one to be diminished, in 1947, baseball was the primary focus of American society, and it was one aspect of society that up untill this day had been one of exclusitivity. Baseball was doing well and actually florishing in "Black" America. A whole culture and seperate society thrived within that small and just as exclusive world in and of itself. With Jackie Robinson's suiting up and playing on this day the begining of the end had struck one of Black America's most successful industries, as Black players, too had begun to be drafted throughout the major leagues. Jackie Robinson, by his character and fortitude, had finally made baseball America's past time, and made all of us better people at the same time. It is sad to note that African Americans now make up a minority of all players in MLB
Friday, April 8, 2011
The next "big thing"
Japan has had a rough go of 2011 as well the island suffered an 8.9 earthquake, followed by a tsunami (which you see beneath this post). On top of that they have had three nuclear facilities melt down as well as have explosions, massive radiation leaks and severe disposal problems. Just yesterday there was another 7.6 aftershock which shook the Northeast corner of the island. My thoughts and best wishes are with the people of Japan, the missing and the dead.
These days...

Hello all, I feel as though we are on the verge of a mean season, or the world is going batshit crazy. I see revolutions occurring in the North Africa/Middle East, in places that I had never expected them; Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunsia, The Ivory Coast and others, respectfully, that escape my rather somewhat frazzled memory. These are nations which are all members of the "Muslim Belt" of Africa, places where such behavior is usually met with harsh consequences.
Baseball season has kicked off about a week ago, and my beloved redsox has fallen to a miserable 0 and 6 for the season, to where I am having a somewhat hard time celebrating today's beating of the Yankees by 9 to 6. Its nice to finally get one under the belt, and especially against the Yankees, but holy shit, the Redsox sure as hell doesn't make it easy on those around them. They are kinda like the relative who seems to have everything going for them and yet habitually sell themself short. Today was a return to Fenway so maybe that was just what the Dr ordered.
The U.S. government is on the verge of shutting down over a major piss fit about the lack of a budget (for 2011?!) and the GOP's insistence of adding riders to the budget that will eliminate such things as NPR, PBS, Headstart, Collective Bargining, Planned Parenthood and other such items. The Speaker of the House, John Boehner, claims that this is not a political move, but one used to jumpstart the unemployment situation in the country. This claim is sheer bullshit, this is a republican ploy to legitimize an extreme social agenda, advocated by a fringe few. If they really gave two fucks about the work situation here they wouldn't be so quick to grab government welfare and tax breaks while moving their business' out of the country, or starting class warfare by attempting to eliminate collective bargining. I hope everyone remembers this shit next year when the election rolls around.
As for me, I am still severally under-employed in a hostile work environment. The way I am treated makes me angry and sullen, I can't ask for days off or fuck off a day of work, because my wages are so fucking pathetic that I am unable to meet my most basic finacial obligations. I am being mired in a constant state of want and need, and yet no one seems to give a damn. I always hear that "I should be lucky" just to be working, but I feel as though that is almost an excuse for what I see as a bigger problem. It is becoming more and more common for employers to hire more workers than necessary. These workers are hired on a part time basis only and therefore unable to legally have health insurance. However, because of their prol-like position and the obscene cost of living, these employees are always desperate for whatever hours they can get. It truly is a case of placing the carrot before the donkey.
The family has suffered a financial blow as Sue's student loan is being garnished from her check. This hasn't helped my situation at all with my shitty job either, I get my email at the end of the week and want to cry. Sometimes its harder to get up and get moving than it is to actually work at my job. I have signed up for school and found out much to my joy that I only have to take two classes, which, thank fuckin' Christ, have lowered their tution!!
I have been auditioning as of late, although none of these roles have come to fruition. I have a writing partner and therefore someone to adapt A Fearing Place into a marketable screenplay. My previous producer, said that it was impossible to market it the way I had written it, as it read like a novel. I now know exactly what she meant, and it is being drafted in a matter benefitting an actual script. Its been two months today that Allie died before me and I have found myself being very short and kurt with strangers, jumpy when the trains pass by unexpectedly, quick to anger and dealing with insomina and anxiety before bed as I have been having some wicked, unspeakable nightmares as of late. I am to speak with a Dr within a week and this, too makes me nervous as hell. I am so behind in my writing that I feel as though I will never catch up, its now spring and that is good.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Peter King and the Muslim Radicalization Hearings being held before congress 3/10/11

I fear that these Muslim Radicalization Hearings smack of Xenophobia, racism,pandering, political grandstanding, hate and an absence of fact. There are more than a few parents who kids they believe have been radicalized, but none of parents who's kids have been successful in school, career, and life. I am more than a little certain that you could have found parents from across the broad societal spectrum here in the U.S., who have thought their fucked up, selfish, spoiled, little bastards have been radicalized by drugs, punkrock, hip-hop, scientology, John Birch Society, evangelicalism, homosexuality, video games, violent movies, cutting, their "weird" friends, Raves, hippydom, Emo, NASCAR, circle jerking, and just general assholiness. I find it interesting that those in full support of this public charade are all members of the same party. I also find it interesting that there is no such effort going on about job recovery, or re-establishing America as an industrial power.
Thursday, February 24, 2011

These are photos done in Tsarist Russia in 1915. The photographer's name escapes me, for which I apologize. One of the reasons I am publishing this is to point out that our current political divison in the United States really has no effect on the average John or Jane Q Public, just as you see in these pics which were taken in a truly opperssive climate. This situation, however, holds no weight when one considers the fate of the state employees in places such as Wisconsin, where working peoples daily lives are in jeapordy by despots like the current Governor (who is deep into the pockets of special interests and is using his position much the same as powerful families did in the Middle Ages as they shipped their sons off to the church), who it appears is intent on eliminating the livelihood of his citzenry by eliminating the privilidges they have earned over the decades. I find it funny, comically almost, that someone who has never really done anything for the public good is so quick and intent on destroying the livelihood to those who have dedicating their lives to service
Allie Joy Kerr
She was an honor student and a member of the International Baccalaureate society at a nearby highschool. She volunteered at an animal shelter where she was able to play with cats and kittens, which she loved. Alana was a good girl, quiet and she loved and had a curiosity towards learning. She is 15 years old and had blonde hair, blue eyes and a nonstop smile. Allie was still very girlish, she loved Jack Skellington from Tim Burton's film, The Nightmare Before Christmas. She was the type of girl that you would be happy that your son would fall in love with. I had never met her until Feburary 8, 2011.
She rode the city busline home from school that afternoon as her campus was 20 minutes away and her grades afforded her the opportunity to attend the IB program at a distance campus. I saw the bus dropping her off at the bus stop and saw her crossing the street, as my light turned green and I proceeded to turn left on my Triumph Bonneville. Because I was on the bike, I motored to the front of the line and let the bike idle, as I was now running straight pipes and have yet to rejet the bike, I rode up to the arm and stopped . I saw Allie walking up next to me and standing while a freight train noisily passed before us. I looked to the left and saw two other 15 year old kids standing on the leftside sidewalk, they attended the same school as my son and had walked the three miles which is why they were on the opposite side of the street. The freight had passed and I saw Allie advancing (this has played numerous times on a loop in my brain) and I looked at the arm before anticipating its rise. Nothing. I looked to my left and to my sheer horror saw a metrolink sliently approaching at full speed (silent when you consider that the freight train was still audible), I quickly looked up and saw Allie as she was hit at full force no more than 15 feet from me.
The sound will never escape me, it was a loud crash, louder than the actual sound of the train itself. Her broken body flew several yards down the track where it lay in a heap on the tracks. She looked to me, then and now, like a marionette. I rolled the bike backwards and rode up onto the sidewalk removed my helmet, gloves and hopped off the bike. I ran to where she lay, my thought was that if she were still here then I could be with her, and try to assure that she was with a friend and that help was on its way. I got no closer than 10 feet away when I looked at her and knew that my efforts were to no avail. She was obviously very dead, with severe trauma to her head and face. I turned and walked back to the bike when I saw one of the other kids approaching, "Don't go any further," I instructed, she's gone. He made the sign of the cross and when I told him to call 911, he said that it wasn't necessary as others surely would have done so. I saw a Riverside P.D. car and waved him over, at which point we were suddenly surrounded by all kinds of cruisers and helicopters. I gave my reports to 2 cops and a Metrolink officer and left before the parents got there.
The time that has passed has been painful, as I have stated earlier, the incident still plays across my brain and the image of her lying there is tattooed in my crainium as well. It would be so much easier to point accussing fingers at a villian, to have someone to blame or a reason for such a thing to happen, but there's not. Sometimes things just happen, there is no real rhyme or reason. I feel as though I have gotten to know you girl since the time this has happened, I wish with all my heart that I could have said or done something to reverse time. Spring resides in a handful of weeks and with it, the promise of new beginings. I hope so, for the parents, friends, family, classmatesand teachers of Allie, for the conductor, the boys who wittnessed this horrible tragedy, and for myself too.
She rode the city busline home from school that afternoon as her campus was 20 minutes away and her grades afforded her the opportunity to attend the IB program at a distance campus. I saw the bus dropping her off at the bus stop and saw her crossing the street, as my light turned green and I proceeded to turn left on my Triumph Bonneville. Because I was on the bike, I motored to the front of the line and let the bike idle, as I was now running straight pipes and have yet to rejet the bike, I rode up to the arm and stopped . I saw Allie walking up next to me and standing while a freight train noisily passed before us. I looked to the left and saw two other 15 year old kids standing on the leftside sidewalk, they attended the same school as my son and had walked the three miles which is why they were on the opposite side of the street. The freight had passed and I saw Allie advancing (this has played numerous times on a loop in my brain) and I looked at the arm before anticipating its rise. Nothing. I looked to my left and to my sheer horror saw a metrolink sliently approaching at full speed (silent when you consider that the freight train was still audible), I quickly looked up and saw Allie as she was hit at full force no more than 15 feet from me.
The sound will never escape me, it was a loud crash, louder than the actual sound of the train itself. Her broken body flew several yards down the track where it lay in a heap on the tracks. She looked to me, then and now, like a marionette. I rolled the bike backwards and rode up onto the sidewalk removed my helmet, gloves and hopped off the bike. I ran to where she lay, my thought was that if she were still here then I could be with her, and try to assure that she was with a friend and that help was on its way. I got no closer than 10 feet away when I looked at her and knew that my efforts were to no avail. She was obviously very dead, with severe trauma to her head and face. I turned and walked back to the bike when I saw one of the other kids approaching, "Don't go any further," I instructed, she's gone. He made the sign of the cross and when I told him to call 911, he said that it wasn't necessary as others surely would have done so. I saw a Riverside P.D. car and waved him over, at which point we were suddenly surrounded by all kinds of cruisers and helicopters. I gave my reports to 2 cops and a Metrolink officer and left before the parents got there.
The time that has passed has been painful, as I have stated earlier, the incident still plays across my brain and the image of her lying there is tattooed in my crainium as well. It would be so much easier to point accussing fingers at a villian, to have someone to blame or a reason for such a thing to happen, but there's not. Sometimes things just happen, there is no real rhyme or reason. I feel as though I have gotten to know you girl since the time this has happened, I wish with all my heart that I could have said or done something to reverse time. Spring resides in a handful of weeks and with it, the promise of new beginings. I hope so, for the parents, friends, family, classmatesand teachers of Allie, for the conductor, the boys who wittnessed this horrible tragedy, and for myself too.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Baby Doc

Haiti is a shithole. It has always been a shithole, part of the reason is because as a colony it was quite literally deserted by its mothercountry, France, after a revolution when the French were driven off this dire country. France's attitude was essentially a swift "Fuck you" to their former citizens and ceased all aid.
Typical of a people who are suddenly freed, the Haitians were incapable of establisheing a rule of law as defined by the social norms of modernity, it has nothing to do with race or intelligence, but one is obviously unqualified to to a job when both experience or education is foreign. Haiti is the poorest country in the wealthiest hemiisphere in the world, the conditions were wretched before the earthquake which devastated the country last year. It was reported that cement buildings turned to dust during the shaking, and naturally, the country has not completely recovered from this disaster. Over the weekend, the former dictater, Baby Doc has returned to his homeland.
Baby doc was a fiqure that was characteristic of his time. Intellectuals, and critics of his office would suddenly disappear overnight. When Baby Doc fled the country in 1986 he cleaned out the nations coffers and left them utterly destitute. Which is why I was surprised to see a positive reaction to his return this weekend. Well it turns out that there are some, who has a memory. This morning, as reported by CNN, he was placed under arrest and taken to jail.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
The Lords of Altamont - "Save Me (From Myself)"
I will be hosting there show at the Rock n Roll Watering Hole Jan 22, on 4th St. in Ontario, California. If you love America I will see you there
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